Tenant Fee Ban Extended To All Renters
A new law that could save some tenants hundreds of pounds has recently come into force.
The tenant fees ban was introduced on 1st June 2019, but after a 12-month transition period, it now applies to new tenancies as well as existing tenancies.
This means that landlords and letting agents are unable to charge for a range of admin fees that they previously had, which includes things such as property viewings, credit checks, references, and renewal fees.
The Tenant Fees Act first came into force on 1st June last year, which put an end to fees for millions of renters across the country.
However, it only included those who signed an agreement after 1st June 2019, but now all renters are included – and, where charges apply, your landlord will have to cover it.
Under the new law, which covers assured shorthold tenants and student accommodation, deposits will also be capped at five weeks’ rent, and holding deposits will be limited to just seven days’ rent.